What is sciatica? Sciatica is one of the most difficult conditions for doctors to identify the experience in the treatment of back pain and sciatica patients and to treat them. Sciatica is often a tingling and / or numbness, not unlike the feeling that one can with a pulled hamstring muscle experience, biceps femoris to the back of the leg. The feeling can be boring, almost a pain, with periods of tingling and / or numbness, during certain activities. TheExperienced tingling and / or numbness, if it is not treated, it can in an adult chronic acute-phase development, with shooting pains in the buttocks and radiating to the leg. Sciatica is one or both legs, usually interfere too, started out as the pain radiate from a point in the lower back, lumbar spine, then on the glutes (buttocks), and finally over the back of the leg. In advanced cases, sciatica reaches all the way to the feet and toes, causing discomfort and apossible loss of feeling.
Interestingly, sciatica is not a special, it's just a catch-all-used medical term for a constellation of symptoms to a state of back pain sufferers in this case is to describe, sciatica is used to describe a complaint of the patient radiating pain in the buttocks, the leg down, and in the feet and toes ... together with associated tingling and / or numbness. Sciatica can be caused by a number of conditions, from stress and trauma, to aspecific location on the back, lower back or lumbar curvature, which was a general condition such as obesity or pregnancy. There are a number of other conditions associated with sciatica, are all to varying degrees, medical intervention and treatment. Some of the conditions that exist with sciatica:
1. Osteomyelitis: An infection of the bone or bone marrow. Osteomyelitis can be crippling and in extreme cases can even lead to death. It is difficult to diagnose and tomay go undetected for a long time, if not ordered the appropriate blood tests and the doctor is also in infectious diseases, which formed the bone.
2. Tumors on or near the spine: tumors, particularly tumors or abnormal growth (eg scar tissue), the intervertebral nerves or nerve roots as they exit the spinal canal and foramen, the sciatic pain or sciatica.
3. Degenerative disc disease: Once more, degenerative disc diseaseis not a disease more than sciatic nerve pain, called sciatica, is a specific condition. Degenerative disc disease is a breakdown of the IVD, the intervertebral discs and usually a consequence of aging, in conjunction with one or all of the 5 main factors to the spine as we age.
• Overweight and / or obesity
• Muscle weakness
• Muscle imbalance
• Inadequate nutrition and diet
• Inadequate fluid intake orDehydration
4. Herniated disc (ie) broken or curved disc: This condition can be especially problematic if the herniated disc or bulging disc protruding posteriorly (backwards) and in the spinal canal and impingement on the nerve root in the intervertebral foramen, thus placing more pressure on the spine and / or nerve root, sciatica is the result, in many cases.
5. Piriformis syndrome: We will cover the piriformis syndrome and sciatica as they refer to inDepth in a later video and articles. Recent research has shown that this syndrome little known, at least in the lay community to be a factor in no fewer than eight out of ten cases of sciatica. The piriformis muscle works especially hard for runners and others who are physically active, often leading to RMI or repetitive motion injuries.
6. Spinal stenosis: This is a narrowing of the spinal canal and / or intervertebral foramen. In fact, any narrowing of a structure can be definedgenerally regarded as a stenosis. The stenosis, the impact is the narrowing and / or obstructs the way for the nerves, pain exacerbated ... In this case, create the sciatic nerve pain associated with sciatica.
7. Spondylolysis: For amateurs, it is a stress fracture of the vertebra is at the back, breaking the vertebrae (the anterior part) from the rear part of the vortex (all others). In osteological terms, the fracture occurs at the pars interarticularis of the vertebra,usually at the fifth lumbar vertebrae, articulated before the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum, or tailbone. This is usually associated with spondylolisthesis, the next contribution to the sciatic nerve pain.
8. Spondylolisthesis: Spondylolysis usually associated with back pain and sciatica in young patients without spondylolysis but can present in older adults. Spondylolisthesis is the result of an anterior (forward) displacement of the vertebral bodies, in fact, the entireEddy, if spondylolysis is missing, or the spine in relation to the rest of the spine below. There are a number of reasons why this condition may occur, but in younger patients is usually found with spondylolysis. We will discuss this condition in depth in a later article and video, but suffice it to say that any change to create the overall structure of the spine, especially in the lumbar curvature, sciatic nervePain.
9. Trauma: Trauma and stress go hand in hand when it returns to pain and sciatica. Trauma can be localized, ie, the spine is the brunt of the burden in a specific place to take, or it can be generalized and affect several levels simultaneously. The better equipped we are) in terms of muscle strength, muscle balance (or imbalance, and other factors, Spine Health, we are better equipped to cope with a reasonable degree of stress. The IVD is remarkableelastic and very strong, but if the discs are changing as a result of the 5 factors listed above, or the traumatic event is deep enough, damage can occur in the spine and sciatica can be the result. In this case, a doctor should always be the first step in any low back treatment strategy.
In reality, any one of the above factors or more of the above conditions together, causing lower back pain and sciatica. Sciatica is againPresentation of a certain kind of pain. The actual condition is causing the sciatic pain can be one of the above or a number of other conditions not discussed here, these are some of the most important.
Your doctor may change as the sciatic radiculopathy, particularly lumbar radiculopathy, sciatica, because their origin in the lumbar spine curvature, or lumbar spine. This has had a catch-all, in much the same was sciatica, and both are used when amore appropriate designation should be used. But now understand that if your doctor refers and from sciatica or lumbar radiculopathy, he or she is usually radiates to the pain of the lumbar spine, sometimes on the buttocks, down the back of the leg and into the feet and toes. We will discuss, sciatica much deeper in the coming articles and videos.